The bags from PDA Coffee sell out quickly, uncertain times, few bags, high demand. The difficulty level to get them is estimated as 'high.' Magic Bag Tracker exists for this reason: to reserve your favorite bags as quickly as possible.
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In most cases, your Too Good to Go bags from PDA Coffee are available every 2 days. But beware, the days of the week vary. You have two choices to never miss a bag from this store again: 1. Try logging in to Too Good To Go every day and endlessly trying to buy at the right moment. Expected success rate: 5%. 2. Activate automatic reservation with our service and save time! Expected success rate: 100%.
In most cases, your Too Good to Go bags from PDA Coffee are available every 2 days. But beware, the days of the week vary. You have two choices to never miss a bag from this store again: 1. Try logging in to Too Good To Go every day and endlessly trying to buy at the right moment. Expected success rate: 5%. 2. Activate automatic reservation with our service and save time! Expected success rate: 100%.
On average, 20 bags are posted online by PDA Coffee each week. Note: the availability frequency of products depends on the unsold items of the day and remaining products. The tip: to never miss a PDA Coffee bag again, just activate the Magic Bag Tracker automatic reservation.
IMPORTANT! Please note that all surprise bags from PDA Coffee sell out very quickly on the Too Good To Go app. On average, we found that these bags are sold out in just 18 seconds.
Baked goods
The Too Good to Go bags from PDA Coffee cost 5,99€. You will save a lot, as the bag’s value is estimated at 18€. But since it’s a surprise bag, you won’t know its contents in advance.
Congratulations! Your reservation for the PDA Coffee bag went smoothly. That makes sense since you used our service. ;) Now, all that's left is to collect your bag. The pickup time is between 22:30 and 23:00 every day.
To reserve your bag for sure, leave it to us! Our automatic reservation service guarantees that when you’ve notified us beforehand, we’ll reserve the bag you want. Otherwise, you can always try to get your bag by logging into your Too Good To Go app. 🙂